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- #001 | Going from F-Ugly to Chad in 6 months
#001 | Going from F-Ugly to Chad in 6 months
Your blueprint for transforming your appearance in 2023
Hello hello to all 58 of you!
I wanna hugely thank you for being at the first issue of The Evolve Newsletter.
Thanks :) this is a special issue for #001 so buckle in!
Now on with the show..
This one's all about levelling up your looks.. with minimal effort.
You just gotta do a few things no-one else is doing.
Sound too simple?
Well.. it is.
Over the last 5 years, I've tried every trick in the book.
But now I know what ACTUALLY works
So you only need to throw in the winners to get results..
And cut all that other bullshit.
Most people are trapped in the yo-yo of self-improvement never getting results long-term.
Sound familiar?
I was in this endless cycle for years.
All these people before and after pictures on Instagram with night and day differences.
But when I bought the shit they recommended:
0 difference.
Not only that, I tried some things for my skin and got WORSE
(one time someone put me onto this skin wash and it dried my entire face out overnight)
But wanting to feel more masculine, prominent, and have irresistible qualities to women:
I carried on experimenting and eventually found the gems.
What if you could spend less than 5 hours a week and become a Chad?
Well, I've found the exact formula how you can do it. Let's jump in:
Step 1: Hair
Don't worry if it's a bit weak up top, you have a few chances here:
🔘The first thing is to grow a beard.
But what if you can't grow one??
Well, what if I told you everyone can grow a beard
You just need the right tools.
1. Minoxidil 5%
No kidding, this was life-changing.
It works by pulling blood to those hair follicles and stimulates new growth.
You'll quickly grow new 'vellus' temporary on your cheeks.
But stick at it for long enough, they'll turn 'terminal' permanent.
A couple common brands are Rogaine and Kirkland.
All you have to do is pop it on 1-2 times a day and commit.
2. Microneedle
This supercharged the Minoxidil and only needs to be done 1-2 times a week.
I got this one on eBay plus a pack of needle cartridges for about 80 bucks.
🔘The second thing is darker, denser using Castor oil.
Applying this 1-2 times a week will make your entire face more defined.
🔘This last one's probably the easiest: Eyebrow sculpting.
Just grab a razor or beard trimmer and take off those middle hairs.
Stay well clear of your actual eyebrows.
Believe me it's disaster city, I've been there more than once :(
Just focus on those middle hairs and you'll 69x your girls (suuuuper high ROI).
Step 2: Facial structure
Didya know you can sculpt your face?
This was mind-blowing when I heard about this.
And even CRAZIER when it worked for me.
The sharpness of your face boils down to your:
• lower jaw• masseters• maxilla/mandible• submental triangle
These sneaky exercises build these up over time:
Low jaw
A sharp jawline comes down to 2 main things:
body fat
🔘Bodyfat is EVERYTHING when defining your face.
Think of it the same as your abs.
Crunch to your heart's contempt but no one's ever gonna see a chubby monkey's.
The sweet spot for showing off that jawline is 10-12%.
A short-term solution is minimizing carb intake to reduce water retention.
🔘The second is exposure.
If you're rocking a big, bushy beard, no fucker is ever gonna see that jaw.
Get your boss man at the barber to shape up that bear mess.
2. Masseters
Your masseters run up to your ears on your jaw.
Getting these thicker and wider is a huge signal of masculinity.
The best tool I've found:
Mastic Gum.
Couple times a week, slowly chew for up to an hour usign the sides of your mouth.
I've been chewing away on this one whilst writing this newsletter:

And also throw if these two foods, they've built my jaw insanely:
- steak- chicken breast wrap (seriously)
3. Maxilla & mandible
These two bones form the structure of your mouth.
The goal here's to push them forward and widen them.
The common approach is known as 'mewing':
Basically - hold your mouth together, and push your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
If you've heard of mouth taping, this essentially encourages mewing for the hours you're asleep.
Mouth breathing causes the cheekbones to underdevelop so it helps this also.
WARNING: if you can't breathe through your nose, focus on this first by consciously keeping your mouth closed through the day
But if you can, grab some Micropore tape and tape away.
4. Submental
This is the section round the upper centre of your neck.
Without having a big neck, you can still create the illusion by growing these muscles.
Try different forms of poking your tongue far out, and to the side.
Another is to look straight up, make a kissing shape and hold it.
And yes you'll look a complete freak so best keep these ones for at home.
Step 3: Max appeal muscles
A tough pill to swallow:
80% of your training goes unnoticed by every woman :/
Most people don't know why you look better.
They just know you do.
So I made a mental tally of when I got compliments most (and what I was training)
These are THE muscles that transform your appeal:
1. Medial delts
This is that capped-shoulder look that makes you look insanely broad.
Exercise: Behind the back cable side raise.
Lean forward, raise out and in front, and lower slowly behind your ass:

2. Upper chest (leading to collarbone)
I've tried getting fancy on this, but nothing beat a slow, controlled dumbbell incline press.

3. Front arm width
Think of your biceps as the maxilla bone of the arms.
If you've focussed biceps all this time, I'm sorry bro.
The secret is actually how you push them out.
And you can do this by building 2 muscles:
🔘 Triceps (mainly lateral head)
Make up 2/3s of your arm, here's the exercises to transform your arm:
• upright dips
🔘 Brachialis
These sit nicely underneath the bi's and puff them right out.
The goat exercise is and always has been preacher hammer curls.
(But hands down my personal favorite are incline dumbbell curls)
4. Quads
If I could change 1 thing in this world:
Badboy quads in some 5" shorts are floor soakers.
To grow seismic quads take your pick out of:
Bulgarian split squats
pendulum squats
leg extension
hack squat
All 4 WILL build thick quads if you don't bitch out on them.
(Take these close to true failure if you want the gains)
Step 4: Hygiene
This one shouldn't be here, but some of you are stinkers.
So here's my quick hygiene overhaul:
🔘 Facial hair
Beard shape-ups take you from homeless to never hoeless.
Keep the neckline tight and angle it to follow your jaw
(Brownie points if you invest in a cutthroat).
And again, respect your eyebrows. They're the focus of your face.
🔘 Scent
A great cologne is your competitive edge - find a go-to 'day spray'
Then head to a department store and try 10-20 sexy ones.
Look for one that portrays masculine dominance but also pleasant to women(NOT DIOR SAVAUGE!!).
🔘 General maintenance
Box these off at least once every week:
brush your tongue
trim the rainforest
wash & oil your beard
clean & cut fingernails
comprehensive teeth clean
Step 5: Posture and neck protrusion
These steps are the entire body language game.
Sitting like a fucktard will destroy all previous steps.
🔘 Firstly, pull this phone up to eyeline and stop looking down.
That's better.
Never let your chin tuck touch your neck.
🔘 Second, pull your head back.
Forward head posture (FHP) is the culmination of your slouching.
Fortunately, you can fix these up with a 2-birds-1-stone:
→ Increase your neck size.
Neck training is the Godfather of Chad maxxing.
I work neck once a week, only taking 10-15 minutes.
But the key is to treat it like other muscles and train HARD.
You'll need 2 items for this:
Attach them together then feed it onto a door handle.
2-3 sets of INTENSE neck curls front and back is all ya need.
(Keep them upwards of 8 reps for safety and progressive overload by stepping out further every week)
🔘The last thing is to unfuck your posture.
Practice pulling your shoulders up and back.
Then drop them down so you're upright but relaxed.
Also keep your head up at ALL times.
You'll notice a huge difference when walking by stopping yourself looking down.
Step 6: Extras
Outside of these main pillars, I do a final few high ROI actions:
1. Eye contact - try remember their eye colour & add a warm smile)
2. Sleep 8 hours - your face skin'll be brand new
3. Haircut - experiment til you find the one. [Start with this guide]
4. Clothes - find clothes that FIT and shoes that are CLEAN.
5. Skincare - doesn't need to be crazy, make sure to moisturize.
6. Fix your teeth - take this serious. Bad teeth will RUIN you.
There you have it, your comprehensive blueprint to Chadforming.
If you've got this far, serious fist-bump my man.
The sauce now is how you bring all this together.
Start with the smaller ones e.g. neck training 1/week and set the day and time.
Then start some daily habits by sliding them into a morning routine.
(Side note: Atomic Habits by James Clear is a must-read if you haven't)
Now the final but most IMPORTANT shift is your mindset.
I need you to walk into any room and feel proud.
It's not that easy, I get it..
I was SUPER shy for years, but by doing all this I KNOW I'm doing more than 99.9% of men.
Cos who the fuck else is?
So remember, you've already made the biggest change by being here, the rest is easy.
July 15 2023 I'll be checking in to see if you evolved or not.
Now get working.
Your man, Marley