#003 | You won't ever let yourself down again

The cure to finally reach peak physical & mental performance

Happy Sunday to you, and welcome to the evo for the new brothers.

Read time: 3 min

Gain Muscles.

Cleverer brain.

Men want 2 things and it's beautiful.

Honestly, I always felt less blessed than the other kids:

  • nervous

  • skinny af

  • not a genius

But later I realized..

That's just fucking AVERAGE.

You're not just born a Chad, ya become one.

The king foundation?

Muscle and mind.

And YOU can have both.

Lemme explain ↓


"I tried lifting but I just don't build muscle"

- Me, 2018.

For the first 4 years of my training, I did what all the kids were doing:

  • Bro split

  • 'Eating a tonne'

  • Training 'real hard'

  • • Liquid (beer) calories


I put on 0 pounds.

Why was this?

Oh, musta been those inferior genetics..

I always lifted. But I'd never get big.

So I decided to push it once and for all:

  • Books

  • Reddit

  • Youtube

You name it, I was on it.

December 1st, 2018 was when I made the commitment to FINALLY get a physique that people respected.

I didn't have a plan.

But I gave myself no alternative.

Here's what I did:



I used to think KFC was good food for gains.

Every week I'd drive to the big gym

Hit 25 sets of chest & sink 2lbs of battered chicken.

Turns out this wasn't quite 'elite' nutrition..

I got obsessed with learning

And what the great lifters were ACTUALLY eating.

Compiling those 3 years of research, this is what I found:

  • Eggs are VITAL

  • Batching is a gamechanger

  • 1 lb muscle = 30 calories burned

  • Alcohol is completely empty calories

  • 5 chances for muscle building per day

  • Greek yoghurts in the fridge at ALL TIMES

  • You MUST track to find your maintenance ASAP

With this:

You can begin to reverse engineer your day.

Once, and only IF you get the diet down, you can then look into the sauce:


Supplements are great for many things.

Here's your go-to's for energy:

And here's the elite man cocktail:

Some I've tinkered with and some are staples.

People love to say 'you don't need them'

But we're not tryna be average.

So YES *some* supplements you do need.

Figure out which ones make sense for ya:

Like in winter, a good 5-10k IU is needed DAILY for peak mental performance.

If you guys want, I'll do a men's supplements mastery guide

And give it away free only to you.

Now onto the last piece of the puzzle:


I wouldn't say I was an alcoholic

But I was pretty fucking addicted.

Enough to be a fully ingrained habit..

Saturday night swung around?

I could already smell the rum I'd be drowning in.

It all changed though when I finally got serious:

I vowed to swap out ALL my bad habits for good ones.

I cut out:

  • weed

  • porn

  • alcohol

  • junk food

  • late nights

And swapped em for:

  • sauna

  • walking

  • reading

  • journaling

  • building

Now no this was not easy.

Fucking painful the entire time.

But I'll tell ya now:

The other side is worth it 10x over

And it gets better.

Before I go, lemme quickly tell ya bout my session yesterday:

🔘 I hit this nasty bicep set:

After, I got home and watching it back I clocked:

I've NEVER been able to go this hard.

And the penny dropped..

I'm a physical and mental fucking BEAST.

It's crazy to me.

That frail, shy boy is unrecognizable.

And I owe it all to diet, supplements and habits.


Dunno know where to start?

Look at your habits and find 1 thing ya can remove today.

Then go replace it with a better diet choice.

Rinse and repeat

Then eventually start to move into supplement hacking.

Btw 'm 100% gonna show ya the game with supps, vits, nootropics..

It's a straight gamechanger

So hold tight for that.

Until next week,

Swerve that fucking alcohol king. You got this.

Your man,

Marley "Blue light Minimalist" McBride.


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