#004 | How to heal your lifelong injury in weeks

Everything your doctor won't tell you

Welcome back friends and friendinos!

Read time: 6 min


In today's email, I'm slapping you with the framework I've used countless times to recover from injuries doctors said'd fuck me for life.

In fact 19 times (that I can remember..) I've recovered FAST

Funny thing is - by completely ignoring doctor's 'advice'

And not once have I had surgery.


Lemme tell ya →


Muscles. Joints. Tendons.

You name it. I've broke it.

Right through school I had:

  • broken ankle

  • pulled groin

  • torn hamstring

It was a weekly fucking occurrence..

Every time I'd sit for 6 hours in the emergency room

They'd tell me the same thing:

  • Take some Ibuprofens

  • Rest Ice Compression Elevation

  • No sport for 3 months

Sound familiar?

I sure as hell wasn't putting up with this BS

So here's what I did:


Active recovery

First we're gonna dive into the daily actions.

The key is consistency even when progress isn't clear.

(If you've been lifting a while, this should be easy for ya)

1. Trigger point therapy:

I first found this whilst recovering a shoulder injury through 2021

And I still do it to this day.

Grab yaself a set of massage ball set with a:

  • lacrosse ball

  • peanut

  • spike

Along yer muscles you'll find these hard spots, or 'trigger points'

You can grab this book and it'll shows ya where hundreds of em are over your body!

You can then follow a Youtube guide like this one:

(TL;DR find the trigger point with a ball and apply firm pressure against it)

2. Exercises:

Feel good enough to do TPT? I have news for ya..

You're probably able to perform some exercise.

Even if it's starting with bands.

Find banded exercises that activate and get movement to the muscle.

Here's a look at some shoulder work I did with bands:

3. Bloodflow:

Doctors will tell ya completely to rest..

I won't lie this is pretty trash advice.

Blood carries all the juicy nutrients your injury wants

So you wanna be getting as much as possible to the site.

And if you haven't guessed:

Doctor's '6 weeks feet up' is the opposite of this.

4. Extension:

When a muscle is strained, you'll naturally wanna keep it safe.

But ze muscles seize up quick when they're not used.

Try gently stretch the muscle out so it lengthens

This'll ensure proper function when ya return & helps the blood reach those muscle fibres.

(Use progressive overload to slowly stretch more and use it as a rehab tool)


Passive recovery:

1. Sleep:

I thought for years I was a 'light sleeper'

But that was pure fucking cope bro.

Once I started tracking my sleep I became hyperaware of my actions.

A typical night was:

  • Xbox til 1am

  • Watch porn

  • Drinking alcohol

  • Sleep 5 hours

I didn't realise my sleep was FUCKED.

Over time I developed a consistent sleep and wake time and introduced many changes.

Watcha wanna particularly focus on is 'early night' sleep:

And ya wanna slowly introduce tools from my sleep protocol:

Also use sleep tracking to measure your deep sleep.

I can't emphasise enough G

Deeper sleep is a gamechanger.

2. Diet:

Your main goals with diet are to hit nutrients and protein

and it can be done without becoming a vegetable dork.

🔘 Easiest protein sources:

  • greek yoghurt

  • steak

  • eggs

  • whey

🔘 Healing vitamins & nutrients:

  • vit a

  • vit c

  • vit d

  • vit e

  • vit k1/2

  • creatine

  • omega 3's

  • ZMA (Zinc & Magnesium)

If you wanna hit these, chef up a diet heavy in:

  • beef

  • kiwi

  • eggs

  • spinach

  • fatty fish

  • leafy greens

Check out this app Cronomter to see your macro intake then consider supplementation if necessary.

Your supp regiment might look something like:

  • Creatine mono

  • Zinc + copper

  • Solid multivit

  • Magnesium glycinate

  • Extra strength Krill oil

3. Peptides:

Now here's the sauce.

First off what the fuck are peptides?

Basically they're the just proteins broken down

Meaning ya can take that nutrient straight to the injury site.

Always DYOR but here's the 'Wolverine' healing stack I used for my shoulder:

• 250mcg BPC-157 2x day (Intramuscular)

• 2mg 1x week (Sub-q)

And if ya feeling fruity, consider GHK-Cu (Copper peptide) which also helps with healing.


That's the protocol the docs should be prescribing..

None of this 'RICE' bullshit.

Take ya time with this email and save it for next time a cunty little injury tries to ruin your beach bod prep.

Remember: the first things should be elite diet and sleep

Make these a habit now and you'll be fully equipped to heal back up in no time.


That's all from me today:

Just wanna say this shoulda been out last week but still getting used to this newsletter thing.

So I apologise and I'll do better.

But til next week

Your man,

Marley "Wolverine" McBride.


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