Chronicle I: 'Become a man'

how I escaped the low-T vicious cycle

*Quick PSA:
Here we are G. 2 months since I last blessed your lovely inbox. But I won’t ramble about what’s been going on. I’m only focussed on the future.
So the TL;DR: You spoke. I heard. And you got it. The new direction is here:

The new direction: Game-changing lessons from TAEM.

The most requested thing was to slam you with the inner secrets and workings of how I built my body and appearance. This will be insights into the key strategies & mindsets I’m teaching clients in The Aesthetic Evolution Method. And what I’m specifically doing right now. SO THAT’S WHAT WE DO BOI.

(PS Thank you so much for joining ‘The Evolve Newsletter’, it’s been a hell of a start to this online writing thing. But now we move into the next chapter. I will only post lessons that have changed my life & believe they will change yours.)

So without further ado, welcome to Aesthetic Evolution Chronicles.


Chronicle I: ‘Become a Man’

how I escaped the low-T vicious cycle

Aesthetic Evolution Chronicles I 10/16/2023.


the truth on the 'low testosterone crisis' and what actually got me away from depression.

what most guys don't understand with testosterone.

is it's not about the supplements you take.

the cold showers.

or the ‘avoiding receipts'

that's all low-t incel BS.

testosterone is way more complicated than that.

so I'm gonna show you what it boils down to.

let's begin →


i first want you to think about testosterone.

what does that word say to you?

for me it's


facing the uncomfortability of life.

men used to be men.
fighting for your woman.
pushing beyond your limits.
destroy or be destroyed mentality.

these are all cases of a someone who NEEDS high t.

but think how most guys live.

life’s a fucking breeze.

'but i want high t what can i do ??'

i hear you timmy boy.


you can try swerve BPAs and shit all you like.

and i’m not saying these things shouldn’t be done.

but think about what your life is compared to that scenario.

modern men barely need to lift a finger now.

  • kushty 9-5.

  • bash every night to some pixels.

  • uber eats mcd’s straight to the door.

basement dwellers.

so if this was you, i’d want you to ask yourself:

why the fuck would your body waste energy making testosterone for you?

so it makes sense — testosterone is for the primal instincts of masculinity.

to fight.
to provide.
to protect.
to take charge.
to reproduce.

this is why the average guy is in this low t pandemic.

timmy doesn't have to do any of this now.

life is fucking easy.

it’s too easy.

i’m sure you’ve heard about the drop of testosterone in the last 20 years.

25 years ago we got food delivery.

15 years ago social media.

10 years ago smartphones.

life now is a fucking breeze.

no fighting and hunting for your food.

bro if you couldn’t fend for your family you’d all die.

your whole family dead.

it’s clear why you would need high t.

but scottyboi69 on reddit wonders why he doesn’t have 1000 ng/dl levels !!

it’s not about your plastic fucking keyboard.

like are you literally retarded?

you have low t cos that’s what your life warrants.

not cos of things you’re touching.

and that’s why we have such a pandemic of weak men.

cos life is too good now.

“good times create weak men and weak men create hard times.”

— G. Michael Hopf.

this is not a ‘low t pandemic’

this is a comfort crisis.

low t is the byproduct.

it starts with society demonising masculinity and strong men.

we’re seeing a vicious cycle of men just getting more and more comfy.

from hunter and gathers to obesity and desk jobbers.

comfort is the killer of man.

that was fucking depressing right?

good. cos it’s not gonna be to us any more.

what’s the play from here??

i’m not saying we go back to hunting boars with a spear.

or doing stuff the hard way for the sake of it.

we are in the new world.

so we gotta play within the new meta.

key lesson 1:

what it comes down to is the hard things you’re choosing to avoid.

the things you always choose the weak way out.

when you stay away from challenge, your body has no reason to give you the resources.

think of it testosterone like the Gryffindor sword (if ur a secret nerd)

it will appear in the times of need.

so i’ll give you mine.

  • i chose to drink every day instead of developing my confidence.

  • i chose to say i was ‘on monk mode’ so I didn’t have to approach women.

  • i chose to say i was a night owl so I didn’t have to get up early.

  • i chose to find excuses instead of sticking to my word.

  • i chose to stay addicted to porn instead of becoming a strong man.

little microsprinkles of these each week slowly brought death to my self-image.

it made me feel shy and insecure.

scared of pushing myself.

and i fell into the comfort trap.

so one by one i removed these from my life.

the only thing i’ve always had is working hard in the gym.

if that’s something you’ve struggled with i would prioritise it.

you gotta make sure you’re the type of man who does X.

i often think ‘what would james bond do?

and just do that.

so that’s removing all low t vibes from your life.

the other part is pushing yourself.

key lesson 2:

remember what I said about fending for your family or you all die?

that’s true purpose.

you are on this planet to keep your family safe.

a man without his purpose is nothing.

i can’t tell you how to find it.

that’s on you.

but what i do know is your willingness to push yourself constantly
to break down barriers — physical and mental —
is what will help you get there.

go thru the journey of sucking.

suck as much as humanly possible at everything.

cos eventually something will click and you find enlightenment.

this is the map of consciousness:

find your purpose is absolute number one.

pleasure is way down the bottom.

find your purpose your entire existence is centred around a mission.

but the problem is you’re not doing the thing.

the hard thing.

weak men now always shit it in the face of adversity.

and that’s why they ‘can’t find their purpose’.

MF it doesn’t just magically appear. it finds you through the discomfort.

“the magic you’re looking for is in the work you’re avoiding.”

— Dipen Parmar

you probably know right now what you should be doing.

but instead you sat scrolling your phone for another dopamine hit.

so if you’ve got this far i want you to do 1 thing.

once you’ve finished this post.

close off this fucking email and go do the thing you’ve been putting off days, weeks, even years.

the super uncomfortable thing.

i promise you bro whether it helps you towards your purpose or not

hard things are the only thing that can truly change your testosterone.

but you must be true to yourself.

you’re fat? you know the thing you need to do.
single? you know the thing.
broken relationship?

here is exactly what you need to do:

find that discomfort.

look it straight in the eye.

and penetrate the fuck out of it.

b-bbut it sucks?

“This is what 'hard' feels like.”

—Alex Hormozi

GOOD. these are supposed to be hard times.

hard times create strong men.

strong men are not low t.

strong men have purpose.

strong men do what 99% won’t.

strong men are build from relentless discomfort.

and high t comes to the strong men who NEED it.

  • approach that girl in the supermarket.

  • get up early and bust out a run every day in the cold.

  • have that talk with your toxic ‘friend’ you’ve avoided for years.

go. do. the. hard. thing.

that is the chronicle of becoming a man.

(i’ve left off one crucial piece of gold but it will be covered in the next episode:
Chronicle II: ‘The God-like Power of Sobriety’.
look out for that one in the coming weeks)

P.S .

the best way I’ve found to do this is building your character through development your body and confidence.
i teach you everything about this inside The Aesthetic Evolution.

if you’re a driven G feelin trapped in the 20s & 30s rut

i’ll get you TRUE self-confidence with your body — where you’re an attractive respected (w/ elite health) G.
it’s time take control of your future bro. if interested let's vibe a plan.
slap the button below to drop me a DM 🫡


‘til the next chronicle

Your man

Marley ‘touching receipts’ McBride.


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