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- #002 | Your mind is the reason you're failing
#002 | Your mind is the reason you're failing
The mindset shifts that stopped me becoming a 40 year-old virgin
Read time: 6 min
'Whisper that word in my ear'
Well.. 2 weeks outta 2
I'm at your doorstep!
So let's not fuck about, today we're divin' into how you can achieve ANYTHING you want using your mind.
Sound good?
Beautiful, off we go ā
I won't lie..
I'm sorta bad at staying disciplined.
It's only when I trick myself that I tend to do something
Until that habit's nicely formed.
Sound familiar?
I wouldn't have anything to stay consistent at
If my MINDSET was fucked.
Basically, I've rewired my brain multiple times to achieve:
an elite body
multiple degrees
travel solo w/o fear
confidence as a shy boy
quitting my engineering path
I know for a FACT
None of this coulda been achieved 5 years ago.
Here's the short story of how I did it:
Ok so: I was born & raised through the system
Ya da ya da.
But despite being talented:
I was spat out an average Joe Shmoe:
š Football
I was a decent footy player as a kid, scouted for trials
But I always bottled it under the big lights.
š Music
I started playing guitar at age 4 and drums at age 8
Being miles ahead of other kids, people told me I was gonna be famous.
But what happened?
My mindset never let me get to those next levels
.. then other kids caught up and lapped me.
Down fucking bad bro
I simply lacked the belief and courage.
And ANOTHER wasted talent at the mercy of my weak mind was:
š Technology
I remember in 1st grade showing teachers how to use some programmes
And they thought I was some tech genius.
The truth is I wasn't..
But I coulda done some serious damage if I'd stuck at it.
There's one recurring theme here..
1. Self-identity:
I didn't believe I was good enough to be successful at anything.
And you betcha this also held my back in my personal life.
I was too scared to approach girls
And was always called the 'quiet one' or 'shy boy'.
But in all honesty:
I had that self-identity of myself as well.
Now, why do I tell you all this?
Fortunately not as a sob story for sympathy..
But to illustrate the box I'd put myself in.
No matter how talented I coulda been
I still would've failed.
Fastforward a few years, I hit 18 and I'd had enough.
I started figuring how I could change my identity..
But let me tell ya:
I WISH it was that easy.
I headed off to uni that scared and fragile boy
Tryna figure out how I could make friends and attract girls.
Well in my first 3 months, I met a grand total of:
0 friends
0 girls
A complete loser.
It took me years to realize I couldn't be anything BUT a loser
'Til I started identifying as a winner.
Look, I'm a very honest guy:
Which makes me a terrible faker.
My friends could 'switch it on' and go meet people
But I failed miserably.
So what did I do?
I aligned my actions with my beliefs
THIS is how you truly change.
I asked myself:
what do I like in other people?
what am I kidding myself about?
where am I living inauthentically?
These questions formed the change I NEEDED to make between age 20-23.
2. Optimism:
Those boxes I was in since childhood were my shackles.
When I tried to break out, I'd kindly remind myself:
'Not you Marley, you're not that guy'.
When I finally realised I'd been torturing my potential
I flipped that bitch.
I started looking at people who had the life I wanted
And asked myself two things:
1. Why not you?'
Why the fuck can't I do that?
This was the first steps to getting jacked.
Even though I was skinny and small
I decided I'd be jacked cos if I worked harder than anyone for it:
Why not me.
2. If someone else has done it, I can??
I'd watched:
ā¢ countless skinny guys get jacked.
ā¢ shy boys get over their fears and approach girls
So if there's people who have my EXACT circumstances
I have no excuse.
Once I made these shifts, the stage was set
All I had to do now was figure out how to do the work..
3. Discipline
Ah, my old foe.
As I mentioned, I'm trash at consistency.
The funny thing is:
I can stick to my gym programme RELIGIOUSLY.
It's unbelievably easy for me.
I build momentum years ago and never lost it.
.. but when it comes to anything else:
I suck.
So, how do you get consistent, when you have:
- no discipline?
- no momentum?
- no desire?
You MUST remove your outcome dependance from the task:
What I didn't mention about the gym is-
It's the most fun I have on any given day.
How did I achieve it?
I designed my routine that brings me the most enjoyment.
Once I figured out this was the SECRET to me hitting every session
I knew I had the cheat codes for procrastination in other areas:
š Make it enjoyable
When I first get motivation, I instantly start, on things like:
filming videos
And will do them all PERFECT for the first few weeks..
Until that novelty goes to fuck all.
Now I was left back at square one with no momentum
BUT also added guilt that I was no longer taking these actions.
I remembered about enjoyment. I shifted my mind to firstly FIND the enjoyment in these tasks:
-In writing: I get to be ballsey and write without my innate fear
-In reading: I get to download someone's life in hours
-In filming: I get to express ideas with my own personality
.. which was when I noticed 1 recurring theme in my self-talk:
4. 'I GET to':
Without realising, I was becoming grateful for my work.
The tasks that were once daunting and unfulfilling
Were now not only exciting to me..
But I felt LUCKY to get to play at work.
And from that point, I knew I could build momentum.
THIS was the missing link for me..
Building momentum WITHOUT the painstakingly grueling grind.
Now, I can put my mind on ANYTHING and know with patience I'll succeed.
š For those who didn't hear me in the back:
5. Applying these lessons:
Now to recap all that..
I'm gonna break down the steps easy for YOU to follow:
1. Identity
š Lose ALL non-perfect self-identity
If you think 'I'm ok with girls but lack the charm'
This isn't good enough. Remove it.
You identify as a charming, based Chad now.
š Whatever you want to be, you must start doing it.
There's no good telling yourself and not actually doing it.
You now go out and do the actions that person does.
When you do this, you become authentic to yourself AS that new identity.
2. Belief
There's a guy with those same genetics as you, and same circumstances
Who has the exact fucking life you want.
REMOVE: 'I can't because X' - Why not? OF COURSE you can.
3. Consistency
To become a pro at the thing, you gotta look at it from the right lense.
š Enjoy it
Look at the ACTIONS required to reach the goal, and ask yourself:
'What can I do to make this as enjoyable as possible?'
Then from here, you can begin to have gratitude for your actions:
4. You Get to
Every action is a gift, and every enjoyable action is a blessing.
Use THIS to start building up your momentum.
As soon as you find momentum, GRAB THAT BITCH
And don't let go.
Habit forming takes between 60-90 days, so you now use that momentum to go ham on the action.
That, my friend, is where the magic starts to happen.
Now I know this is a big change to make at once, so go down the list one by one.
When put all together, this has helped me change the trajectory of my life
And I want it to do the same for you too.
This is your evolution. Your time to grab 2023 by the fucking nads.
It all starts up there.
If you're struggling to put your negative mind to rest, the Science of Wellbeing course was the catalyst for me when I was at my complete lowest.
Here's the link if ya wanna check it out (it's good I promise)
Until next time, keep evolving king.
Your man, Marley.

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