#009 | Not jacked? Here's the cheat codes:

Just a quick UP UP Y DOWN DOWN

Hello hey and good day amigos.

Read time: 4 min


When I start lifting back in 2014

I basically didn't have a fucking clue what I was doing.


At the time I thought I did..

As every year passes you laugh at your previous self

And even 9 years in I'm laughing at 2022 me.

Now today I wanna share with you what I've learnt

On building muscle and leaning down 100X easier.

So if ya ready for the no BS cheat codes

Les f. goh ➞


Yano I'd love to slap you widda:


and call this week's letter there..

But my lil head scratches when people say

'hacks' don't play a role in gettin' jacked.

Not cos any one'll do some magical shit


You can stack up em to give you a pretty insane advantage

Making muscle building & dieting a breeze.

So let's get off Grove Street and enter these cheat codes:

1. Diet

The flying car: Protein Go-To's

These are quick hits of protein - always keepin' you in the anabolic sky:

  • Fat free natural yoghurt

  • Whey protein powder

  • Greek yoghurt

  • Halloumi

  • Kefir

  • Eggs

Slide these into ya day and it's an easy 100g protein daily


Unlike meats you got these ready to roll any time

But the best thing with meats is to do 2 things:

  1. Infinite Ammo: Buy 2 PHAT chickens/week

2. Max Muscle: Batch all your meat prep on Sunday:

Dishin 3-5lb's ground beef'll give ya that red meat plug erry day.

After this ya gotta make your meals taste peng.


2 words:

Chaos mode: HOT. SAUCE.

Damn straight you gotta love hot sauce.

That shit is minimal cals - pour it all over ya food.

Now onto the 'secret' sauce:

2. Supplements

Quick n easy here's what you can use to level up QUICK-

. Increase car speed: Citrulline Mallate

  • Kinky theme: Cialis

  • Spawn Monster: Monster Ultra

  • Lock wanted level: NAC

  • Always midnight: Magnesium

  • Very sunny weather: Vitamin D

  • Wanted level up: Creatine

Now onto lookin better:

3. Activity

The key to shedding fat-

Perfect vehicle handling: Evening walks.

I started chucking in walks instead of runs last year

And FUCK they're better.

Once ya start walking you'll realise:

Cardio activates 2 BAD cheats codes:

Always in Pain


Always Hungry (here's why cardio is shit):

But by walking you get all the benefits but without the aches, exhaustion and just that hit or miss guilt.


Get into a 30-60 min walk every night and you'll SHED fat.

It's legit insane

I bulked 3500+ calories for 6 MONTHS and I barely put on 1% fat-

Bro I've never seen something so powerful be so easy.

Walk MFer.

Now a few more cheats you need to know:

  •  Never Hungry: Volume eating.

Throw in spinach, salad, frozen onions into all your food. If you do this right, you'll legit need a giant bowl.

  • Max Sex Appeal: Never bulk past 15%.

Keep yaself in that nice 10-15% and you'll look sick all the fucking time.

This is how ya mans never 'fall off' - cos they don't extreme bulk.

  • Max Respect: Train for aesthetics.

You must be selective with your training and perform what's gonna gain RESPECT.

This ain't biceps and chest. This is how you sculpt yourself to have max power - in any room.

-- Reply to this email if ya wanna find out more about aesthetic lifting :)

  • Fast Motion: Sleep.

I know you've heard 69 billion people tell you to sleep more

But it's the ONLY tool you have to build muscle and burn fat.


Gains are made in the sleep

But that's where you source all tha crazy energy for tomorrow

And give your brain that good good.


Health, Armor and Money ($250,000): 1 Stop Gains Shop

The no BS guide I use to get ripped:

  1. Train the SAME in a cut

  2. Prioritise sleep more than ever

  3. Aim for 15,000 steps/day

  4. Cut fats when hungry, cut carbs when not

  5. Eat before you go anywhere

  6. Track easy by eating the same every day

  7. Give yourself 12 weeks to lose fat

  8. Only touch cardio as a last resort

  9. Know in advance when ya gonna have that pizza

  10. Put in the fucking work and you'll be rewarded


This was a brief lil overview of what a cut looks like when tryna keep that good ol' muscle.

But I've got a full guide comin' - it's basically the Limewire of shreds

And it's comin straight to you for free - as a thankya for following The Evolve Newsletter

I appreciate you fam keep those eyes peeled.

Next week I'm gonna tell ya why I'm moving 10,000 miles across the world in <2 weeks.

Have a killa time 'til then.

Your man, Marley 'straight outta Grove Street' McBride


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