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- #017 | US. UK. EU. Get out NOW.
#017 | US. UK. EU. Get out NOW.
Why I'll never live in the west again
Yes gangstas.
Read time: 2 min
I thought 'lower-class' countries like Vietnam were fucked.
Turns out this is the west lol.
Think about it
We were raised believing our holy land was God's gift
But now it's more taxes, corruption, political BS.
Dunno 'bout you but I ain't on that
So here’s what I did instead:
Early April I arrived in Thailand.
Sun is shining.
Fresh fruit.
Thai tea.
$5 massage.
Hop on your bike.
Go anywhere.
Park anywhere.
Compared to the UK:
Save the NHS.
Criminal wage.
£200 train ticket.
£5 coffee.
Housing crisis.
Shithouse MPs.
0 disposable income.
No opportunities.
We called it Great Britain
But what’s great when you can’t even afford a shower..

It pains me cos I was brought up by this system
And promised a good life
You know how it goes.
Went to school
Went to uni
Couldn't get a job.
Went back to uni
Got a Masters degree
Minimum wage.
STILL people say 'suck it up, we’re in hard times'
If these MFs have got you by the balls, read this:

600 thousand millionaires under 30. You think they ‘sucked up’ being average?
When you talk about launching that new business
People love to say ‘that’s risky bro’
But ya know what's risky?
Never getting to become the real you.
The problem is lifestyle inflation has fucked people in the ass.
And in today’s economy
60 hour weeks plus overtime is the only way to Keep up with the Jones’.
The result of this?
No escape. Ever.
Sorry if this bummed you out but this is the west.
So lemme tell ya what Thailand's really like ➟
I rocked up about 3 months ago
But what's crazy is I didn't even mean to come.
After spendin’ a month in Sydney, Australia
I couldn't believe the costs of living.
So I flew into Bangkok on a whim (secretly scared shitless)
But within days everything just felt.. right.
The people talk to you like humans
Not that 'I'm gonna murder you' look on the London Underground
— seriously what's with that shit!!
Instead, people in Thailand wish you a good morning and offer a ‘Wai’

(Thai gesture of appreciation)
The sun blasts your soul.
The overarching 'stress' of the west disappears.
None of that BS matters when you’re here.
Sure I partied.
..andd partied some more.
But I did the whole shit sober.
At first my social skills without alcohol were a train wreck
But you level up quick.
If you've thought 'bout solo travelling I can't recommend enough.
But even if you wanna drink, do some shrooms..

The beauty though is away from the party. Degeneracy. All that shit.
When ya find a nice area, good routine, working’ on your goals
THAT’S when it clicks and ya realise WHY you won't go back to the US.
I spoke to many people who said:
'I don't wanna go back to my job, seeing the same 3 people'
But in South East Asia. South America. Middle East?
You’re free.
And when you’re free, your energy is different.
how do ya become free?
You do … freeing things.
I know 100% the reason I’m able to be here alone is from confidence.
This isn’t a brag, it’s showin what YOU are capable of too.
My body looks good. Mental health is great. Health is a priority.
And people turn heads. Treat you right.
So why does this matter?
Because you return this energy 10x.
I can say this with full conviction:
Looking and feeling dominant is the happiest I’ve ever been.
Couple that with sun, good food, great people
Man.. your life is gonna be fucking great.
If you’ve been wanting to become the most confident, happy and fucking ELITE version of yourself
I’m inviting you to take control of your life.. RIGHT NOW.
Be unapologetically masculine.
Finally be attractive.
Be respected - but more importantly respect YOURSELF higher than anyone.
You do this by building a body inside and out that says I’m the fucking don.
If you’re sick of being disrespected and blanked by women
Fill a quick form here and we’ll see if/how we can get you to truly confident, attractive and dominant.
(Note: this is the beta launch and I’m only accepting 2 more spots at 50% discount, so take control now so you don’t miss out)
Big love and have a great week Gs.
Your man,
Marley ‘ladyboy swerver’ McBride

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