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- #014 | If you want a last minute 6 pack for summer, read this:
#014 | If you want a last minute 6 pack for summer, read this:
Good evening homies⤵️
Read time: 2 mins
Many times I've got to the June 1st
Looked over in the mirror
And been shocked at the blob going on holiday in 6 weeks.
Now I'm not gonna sugarcoat it:
You fucked up.
But there's something you can do..
Cutting fat is a simple game.
But simple.
Your main goal is finding the sweet spot between:
muscle mass
protein intake
calorie deficit
And guys normally go in never done a cut-
Hoping to turn to Brad Pitt in 6 weeks.
Bro I've tried.
And bro I've failed.
As I say, this shit can be done
But most are missing a key part before they've even started:
Muscle = money
Of course over time you get better at cutting
But one thing is also likely true:
You slapped on more muscle.
And more muscle?
Means ya can eat more.
(30 cals per lb muscle for you nerds)
So over 3 years if you added 10lbs of muscle
That's 300 calories more you can eat / day
And STILL burn as much fat.
This also gives ya that wiggle room to hit a high protein intake
Without cramming Whey protein and chicken breast.
Even tho this summer's too late
The first thing I'd be thinking of come August—
Summer bodies are made in the winter.
But bro I have no muscle. Now what?
So ya wanna look good for your beach holiday
But aren't holding Arnie level muscle.
Worry not sir.
There's a few things I'd focus on for the next 6 weeks..
1. Calories
The most important thing:
NEVAARR cut too aggressive.
If ya have some level of muscle mass and you wanna hop into an 800 calorie deficit?
Say bye bye to those muskles.
Instead, find the highest no. of calories you can that'll still burn ~0.5lb / week.
Idea here is:
a decent bodyfat with decent muscle..
shits all over a low bodyfat body with no muscle.
Sure you might get the abs poppin
But believe me:
Muscle is king. Period.
2. Cardio
One of my dumbest moves?
Doing cardio for fat loss.
Yeh yeh I know, wtf are you talking bout Marley??
Well what really happens when you go for that 3km run?
You burn a couple hundred calories.
But now you're fucking starving.
Cardio commands the hunger hormone and punches ya in the face.
It’s just a tool for heart health and endurance
Not stripping fat.
Instead, focus ya energy on maintaining lifts in the gym
And throw in a lil long-distance cardio only if you HAVE TO.
3. So how should you lift?
I used to think you had to do:
• Bulking reps (1-5) for bulk
• Cutting reps (15-30) for cut.
Turns out this is fucking trash advice.
Muscle works 1 way
Whether ya bulking or cutting.
It's just easier when you have unlimited energy through winter to push yourself.
In most cases on the cut just aim to maintain strength.
-if you've been training properly in the winter
You'll be training somewhere in that 6-12 rep range.
When you start your cut:
Same plan:
Lift heavy. Lift intense. Get out.
The plan from here:
Sure you might not peak this Summer
or the next
But that’s great—
It means you have somewhere to go.
As cliche as it sounds
Worry about getting 1% better each day
And you’ll be shocked the difference you can make in 2-3 years.
For this summer though?
Here’s a lil blueprint:
Drop all those liquid calories
Walk at least 12,000 steps/day
Eat in a 300-500 calorie deficit
Increase water intake to 1.5 gallons
Weightlifting 2-4 days/week with INTENSITY
Prioritise your health i.e. no alcohol, sauna, greens
Eat no less than 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight / day.
Get to bed and wake the same time. Ideally getting 8 hours sleep.
Follow this and you’ll be in a FAR better position come 6 weeks.
No ya won’t make lifechanging gains
- even with a Kombucha shot..
But you’ll a lot sicker than you do right now.
That’s all for this week.
All’t best G’s, let’s get these shreds.
Your man, Marley ‘fuck cardio’ McBride.

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