#013 | How I accidentally ended up in Thailand

(I fucked up)..

Hello hello friends

A huge welcome the new 103 subscribers!

Let's have a lil catch up ↓

Read time: 3 min


So it all started 12 months ago.

I'd just landed back in my hometown after 6 years away

My mental health was fucking trash

And I knew being back would only make it worse.


I got exploring the internet

And saw people on sunny beaches

And beautiful, cheap resorts..

Whilst not working 9-5.

..sounded too good to be true.

But looking into it more

This shit was possible.

I started plotting like a madman

Collecting pages of info in my Notes app

And soon constructed a full travel plan.

But one KEY thing was missing:


Sure you 'could' get up and go right now.

So why aren't you?

Thing is-

Most people find any excuse to avoid the things they SHOULD do.

There's never a 'perfect time'

Where you have the money, the friends, the magic opportunity.

But the MF's who just got up and went?

They're living your fucking dream right now.

Now look I was you.

And now I'm MF's.

Crazy how it goes.

I've travelled Thailand for the past month

Met 100s of great people

And made countless memories.

Here's how it happened - and how you can do it too ↓


Impulsive decisions are the best:

8 weeks ago I was sat in Sydney

And looked around as I was FINALLY at 'my big break'.

But it didn't feel right.

A gut feeling saying 'this isn't for you'.

Now bro —

I tried fighting it

But the resistance wasn't going away.

The idea was to move to another city in Aus

But I jokingly said to my friend 'shall I just fuck off to Thailand?'

He looked at me and straight up said 'do it'.

24 hours later

I boarded the flight.

Now at this point I had no fucking clue what was happening

— 0 plan.

But the craziest part?

It felt right.

No anxiety. No stress.

In fact after realising my living costs had slashed in half

I felt relief.

Solo travelling is great:


Don’t get me wrong - the first week was a head fuck.

As a typical introvert

I felt crazily out of place.

New surroundings. Party hostels. Loud obnoxious people.

This was new.

But I got into a rhythm pretty quickly.

When they say there's no amount of study replacing real life experience

This is the TRUEST thing I've ever heard.

I've levelled up insanely in the past month in my:

  • courage

  • charisma

  • confidence

  • approaching

  • decision-making

It literally transforms you into a new person.

Now don't get me wrong

Not everything's been positive.

I've lost most good habits of my former self

And it sucks.

I've been slack with:

  • diet

  • sleep

  • working

  • reading

  • training

  • meditating

  • journaling

  • mindful walks

And I've noticed my mental health suffering

Big time.

These things are vital to me.

But this is temporary

And the pros currently outweigh the negatives.

Onwards and upwards:

Going forward I'm aiming to build these back into an unpredictable day

And prioritise my mental space.

Even whilst travelling you can find 1 hour daily for yourself

After all:

Great headspace is the biggest impact on everything you do.

So look after your mind.

This means:

  • eating clean

  • sleeping 7 hours

  • avoiding alcohol

  • drinking 5L water

  • walking 15k steps

You can do all these things easily.

It's all about identifying your main priorities

And executing on them daily.


That's a quick round-up of this trip so far

Look out for my new threads in the next week G's

I'm going into health and fitness whilst travelling

And what happened with relapsing in my sobriety.

If you wanna catch up drop me a follow:

And shoot me a DM over there if you have any Q's

I'm happy to help.

All the best G's

Marley 'ladyboy hunter' McBride.


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